Predictions and model objects in linear regression

machine learning
linear regression
logistic regression



January 8, 2023

Predictions and model objects

This article explores how linear regression models can be used to predict Taiwanese house prices and Facebook advert clicks. Our regression skills will also be developed through the use of hands-on model objects, as well as the concept of “regression to the mean” and how to transform variables within a dataset.

This Simple Linear Regression Modeling is part of Datacamp course: Introduction to Regression with statsmodels in Python

This is my learning experience of data science through DataCamp

Predicting house prices

Predictions can be made using statistical models like linear regression. In other words, you specify each explanatory variable, feed it into the model, and get a prediction.

# Import numpy with alias np
import numpy as np
# Import seaborn with alias sns
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# Import matplotlib.pyplot with alias plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import the ols function
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
dist_to_mrt_m n_convenience house_age_years price_twd_msq
0 84.87882 10 30 to 45 11.467474
1 306.59470 9 15 to 30 12.768533
2 561.98450 5 0 to 15 14.311649
3 561.98450 5 0 to 15 16.580938
4 390.56840 5 0 to 15 13.040847
# Create the explanatory_data
explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({'n_convenience': np.arange(0,10)})

# Print it
0              0
1              1
2              2
3              3
4              4
5              5
6              6
7              7
8              8
9              9
mdl_price_vs_conv=ols("price_twd_msq ~ n_convenience",data=taiwan_real_estate).fit()
# Create explanatory_data
explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({'n_convenience': np.arange(0, 11)})

# Use mdl_price_vs_conv to predict with explanatory_data, call it price_twd_msq
price_twd_msq = mdl_price_vs_conv.predict(explanatory_data)

# Print it
0      8.224237
1      9.022317
2      9.820397
3     10.618477
4     11.416556
5     12.214636
6     13.012716
7     13.810795
8     14.608875
9     15.406955
10    16.205035
dtype: float64
# Create prediction_data
prediction_data = explanatory_data.assign(
    price_twd_msq = mdl_price_vs_conv.predict(explanatory_data))

# Print the result
    n_convenience  price_twd_msq
0               0       8.224237
1               1       9.022317
2               2       9.820397
3               3      10.618477
4               4      11.416556
5               5      12.214636
6               6      13.012716
7               7      13.810795
8               8      14.608875
9               9      15.406955
10             10      16.205035

Visualizing predictions

The prediction DataFrame you created contains a column of explanatory variable values and a column of response variable values. That means you can plot it on the same scatter plot of response versus explanatory data values

# Create a new figure, fig
fig = plt.figure()

# Add a scatter plot layer to the regplot

# Show the layered plot
print("\n the predicted points lie on the trend lin")

 the predicted points lie on the trend lin

Extracting model elements

The model object created by ols() contains many elements. In order to perform further analysis on the model results, we need to extract its useful bits. The model coefficients, the fitted values, and the residuals are perhaps the most important pieces of the linear model object.

# Print the model parameters of mdl_price_vs_conv
Intercept        8.224237
n_convenience    0.798080
dtype: float64
# Print the fitted values of mdl_price_vs_conv
0      16.205035
1      15.406955
2      12.214636
3      12.214636
4      12.214636
409     8.224237
410    15.406955
411    13.810795
412    12.214636
413    15.406955
Length: 414, dtype: float64
# Print the residuals of mdl_price_vs_conv
0     -4.737561
1     -2.638422
2      2.097013
3      4.366302
4      0.826211
409   -3.564631
410   -0.278362
411   -1.526378
412    3.670387
413    3.927387
Length: 414, dtype: float64
# Print a summary of mdl_price_vs_conv
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:          price_twd_msq   R-squared:                       0.326
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.324
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     199.3
Date:                Thu, 12 Jan 2023   Prob (F-statistic):           3.41e-37
Time:                        17:11:19   Log-Likelihood:                -1091.1
No. Observations:                 414   AIC:                             2186.
Df Residuals:                     412   BIC:                             2194.
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                    coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept         8.2242      0.285     28.857      0.000       7.664       8.784
n_convenience     0.7981      0.057     14.118      0.000       0.687       0.909
Omnibus:                      171.927   Durbin-Watson:                   1.993
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):             1417.242
Skew:                           1.553   Prob(JB):                    1.78e-308
Kurtosis:                      11.516   Cond. No.                         8.87

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Manually predicting house prices

Using the model coefficients, you can manually calculate predictions. It’s better to use .predict() when making predictions in real life, but doing it manually is helpful for reassuring yourself that predictions aren’t magic.

For simple linear regressions, the predicted value is the intercept plus the slope times the explanatory variable.

response = intercept + slope * explanatory

# Get the coefficients of mdl_price_vs_conv
coeffs = mdl_price_vs_conv.params

# Get the intercept
intercept = coeffs[0]

# Get the slope
slope = coeffs[1]

# Manually calculate the predictions
price_twd_msq = intercept + slope * explanatory_data

# Compare to the results from .predict()
0        8.224237
1        9.022317
2        9.820397
3       10.618477
4       11.416556
5       12.214636
6       13.012716
7       13.810795
8       14.608875
9       15.406955
10      16.205035
    n_convenience  predictions_auto
0        8.224237          8.224237
1        9.022317          9.022317
2        9.820397          9.820397
3       10.618477         10.618477
4       11.416556         11.416556
5       12.214636         12.214636
6       13.012716         13.012716
7       13.810795         13.810795
8       14.608875         14.608875
9       15.406955         15.406955
10      16.205035         16.205035

Regression to mean

  • Response value = fitted value + residual
  • “The stuff one can explain” + “the stuff once couldn’t explain”
  • Residuals exist due to problems in model and fundamental randomness
  • Extreme cases are often due to randomness
  • Regression to mean indicated extreme cases don’t persist over time
symbol return_2018 return_2019
0 AAPL -0.053902 0.889578
1 MSFT 0.207953 0.575581
2 AMZN 0.284317 0.230278
3 FB -0.257112 0.565718
4 GOOGL -0.008012 0.281762
# Create a new figure, fig
fig = plt.figure()

# Plot the first layer: y = x
plt.axline(xy1=(0,0), slope=1, linewidth=2, color="green")

# Add scatter plot with linear regression trend line

# Set the axes so that the distances along the x and y axes look the same

# Show the plot
print('\n The regression trend line looks very different to the y equals x line. As the financial advisors say, "Past performance is no guarantee of future results."')

 The regression trend line looks very different to the y equals x line. As the financial advisors say, "Past performance is no guarantee of future results."

Modeling consecutive returns

Let’s quantify the relationship between returns in 2019 and 2018 by running a linear regression and making predictions. By looking at companies with extremely high or extremely low returns in 2018, we can see if their performance was similar in 2019

# Run a linear regression on return_2019 vs. return_2018 using sp500_yearly_returns
mdl_returns = ols("return_2019 ~ return_2018",data=sp500_yearly_returns).fit()

# Print the parameters

# Create a DataFrame with return_2018 at -1, 0, and 1
explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({'return_2018':[-1,0,1]})

# Use mdl_returns to predict with explanatory_data

print("\n Investments that gained a lot in value in 2018 on average gained only a small amount in 2019. Similarly, investments that lost a lot of value in 2018 on average also gained a small amount in 2019")
Intercept      0.321321
return_2018    0.020069
dtype: float64
0    0.301251
1    0.321321
2    0.341390
dtype: float64

 Investments that gained a lot in value in 2018 on average gained only a small amount in 2019. Similarly, investments that lost a lot of value in 2018 on average also gained a small amount in 2019

Transforming the explanatory variable

When there is no straight-line relationship between the response variable and the explanatory variable, it is sometimes possible to create one by transforming one or both. Let’s transform the explanatory variable.

We’ll look at the Taiwan real estate dataset again, but we’ll use the distance to the nearest MRT (metro) station as the explanatory variable. By taking the square root, you’ll shorten the distance to the metro station for commuters.

# Create sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
taiwan_real_estate["sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m"] = np.sqrt(taiwan_real_estate["dist_to_mrt_m"])


# Plot using the transformed variable

# Run a linear regression of price_twd_msq vs. sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
mdl_price_vs_dist = ols("price_twd_msq ~ sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m", data=taiwan_real_estate).fit()
Intercept             16.709799
sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m    -0.182843
dtype: float64
# Create sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
taiwan_real_estate["sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m"] = np.sqrt(taiwan_real_estate["dist_to_mrt_m"])

# Run a linear regression of price_twd_msq vs. sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
mdl_price_vs_dist = ols("price_twd_msq ~ sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m", data=taiwan_real_estate).fit()

explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({"sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m": np.sqrt(np.arange(0, 81, 10) ** 2),
                                "dist_to_mrt_m": np.arange(0, 81, 10) ** 2})

# Create prediction_data by adding a column of predictions to explantory_data
prediction_data = explanatory_data.assign(
    price_twd_msq = mdl_price_vs_dist.predict(explanatory_data)

# Print the result
   sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m  dist_to_mrt_m  price_twd_msq
0                 0.0              0      16.709799
1                10.0            100      14.881370
2                20.0            400      13.052942
3                30.0            900      11.224513
4                40.0           1600       9.396085
5                50.0           2500       7.567656
6                60.0           3600       5.739227
7                70.0           4900       3.910799
8                80.0           6400       2.082370
# Create sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
taiwan_real_estate["sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m"] = np.sqrt(taiwan_real_estate["dist_to_mrt_m"])

# Run a linear regression of price_twd_msq vs. sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m
mdl_price_vs_dist = ols("price_twd_msq ~ sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m", data=taiwan_real_estate).fit()

# Use this explanatory data
explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({"sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m": np.sqrt(np.arange(0, 81, 10) ** 2),
                                "dist_to_mrt_m": np.arange(0, 81, 10) ** 2})

# Use mdl_price_vs_dist to predict explanatory_data
prediction_data = explanatory_data.assign(
    price_twd_msq = mdl_price_vs_dist.predict(explanatory_data)

fig = plt.figure()
sns.regplot(x="sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m", y="price_twd_msq", data=taiwan_real_estate, ci=None)

# Add a layer of your prediction points
sns.scatterplot(data=prediction_data, x='sqrt_dist_to_mrt_m', y='price_twd_msq', color='red')

print("\n By transforming the explanatory variable, the relationship with the response variable became linear, and so a linear regression became an appropriate mode")

 By transforming the explanatory variable, the relationship with the response variable became linear, and so a linear regression became an appropriate mode

Transforming the response variable too

The response variable can be transformed too, but this means you need an extra step at the end to undo that transformation. That is, you “back transform” the predictions

spent_usd n_impressions n_clicks
0 1.43 7350 1
1 1.82 17861 2
2 1.25 4259 1
3 1.29 4133 1
4 4.77 15615 3
# Create qdrt_n_impressions and qdrt_n_clicks
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_impressions"] = ad_conversion['n_impressions'] ** 0.25
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_clicks"] = ad_conversion['n_clicks'] ** 0.25


# Plot using the transformed variables

# From previous step
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_impressions"] = ad_conversion["n_impressions"] ** 0.25
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_clicks"] = ad_conversion["n_clicks"] ** 0.25

# Run a linear regression of your transformed variables
mdl_click_vs_impression = ols('qdrt_n_clicks ~ qdrt_n_impressions', data=ad_conversion).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:          qdrt_n_clicks   R-squared:                       0.945
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.944
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                 1.590e+04
Date:                Thu, 12 Jan 2023   Prob (F-statistic):               0.00
Time:                        17:11:20   Log-Likelihood:                 193.90
No. Observations:                 936   AIC:                            -383.8
Df Residuals:                     934   BIC:                            -374.1
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                         coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept              0.0717      0.017      4.171      0.000       0.038       0.106
qdrt_n_impressions     0.1115      0.001    126.108      0.000       0.110       0.113
Omnibus:                       11.447   Durbin-Watson:                   0.568
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.003   Jarque-Bera (JB):               10.637
Skew:                          -0.216   Prob(JB):                      0.00490
Kurtosis:                       2.707   Cond. No.                         52.1

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
# From previous steps
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_impressions"] = ad_conversion["n_impressions"] ** 0.25
ad_conversion["qdrt_n_clicks"] = ad_conversion["n_clicks"] ** 0.25

mdl_click_vs_impression = ols("qdrt_n_clicks ~ qdrt_n_impressions", data=ad_conversion, ci=None).fit()

# Use this explanatory data
explanatory_data = pd.DataFrame({"qdrt_n_impressions": np.arange(0, 3e6+1, 5e5) ** .25,
                                 "n_impressions": np.arange(0, 3e6+1, 5e5)})

# Complete prediction_data
prediction_data = explanatory_data.assign(
    qdrt_n_clicks = mdl_click_vs_impression.predict(explanatory_data)

# Print the result
print("\n Since the response variable has been transformed, you'll now need to back-transform the predictions to correctly interpret your result")
   qdrt_n_impressions  n_impressions  qdrt_n_clicks
0            0.000000            0.0       0.071748
1           26.591479       500000.0       3.037576
2           31.622777      1000000.0       3.598732
3           34.996355      1500000.0       3.974998
4           37.606031      2000000.0       4.266063
5           39.763536      2500000.0       4.506696
6           41.617915      3000000.0       4.713520

 Since the response variable has been transformed, you'll now need to back-transform the predictions to correctly interpret your result
C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\ ValueWarning: unknown kwargs ['ci']
  warnings.warn(msg, ValueWarning)

Back transformation

In the previous section, we transformed the response variable, ran a regression, and made predictions. However, we are not yet finished! We will need to perform a back-transformation in order to interpret and visualize your predictions correctly.

# Back transform qdrt_n_clicks
prediction_data["n_clicks"] = prediction_data['qdrt_n_clicks'] ** 4
   qdrt_n_impressions  n_impressions  qdrt_n_clicks    n_clicks
0            0.000000            0.0       0.071748    0.000026
1           26.591479       500000.0       3.037576   85.135121
2           31.622777      1000000.0       3.598732  167.725102
3           34.996355      1500000.0       3.974998  249.659131
4           37.606031      2000000.0       4.266063  331.214159
5           39.763536      2500000.0       4.506696  412.508546
6           41.617915      3000000.0       4.713520  493.607180
# Plot the transformed variables
fig = plt.figure()
sns.regplot(x="qdrt_n_impressions", y="qdrt_n_clicks", data=ad_conversion, ci=None)

# Add a layer of your prediction points
sns.scatterplot(data=prediction_data, x='qdrt_n_impressions', y='qdrt_n_clicks', color='red')
print("\n Notice that your back-transformed predictions nicely follow the trend line and allow you to make more accurate predictions")

 Notice that your back-transformed predictions nicely follow the trend line and allow you to make more accurate predictions